
Career Day 2017

The Career Day 2017 for doctoral candidates and postdocs is taking place on Friday, July 21st 2017 at the Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies (FRIAS), Albertstrasse 19, and is organized by the Freiburg Research Services (FRS).

Besides various presentations and discussions in the context of career management and actual career paths, our Career Day 2017 offers many further opportunities to get involved such as checkups of your application documents, a career fair, and a panel discussion on “the compatibility of professional and family life”.

An overview can be found here.


 Download: Poster Career Day 2017

Article on the Career Day on university website


To participate in this event we ask you to register in advance – for doctoral candidates please register via HISinOne, for postdocs please fill in the registration form and send it to kursprogramm@frs.uni-freiburg.de.



Program Career Day 2017


10:00 am Welcome address by Vice Rector and the employees of the Freiburg Research Services [de]


10:15 am Keynote “Career management for scientists. What is important for a career in academia? And: Three ideas on how to find a job outside of academia” [de]

Within his keynote lecture Dr. Matthias Schwarzkopf will introduce you to the basic aspects of career management in academia. The following questions will be addressed: What aspects are important for a career in academia? How can one prepare for this career path? How can one create and clarify one’s academic profile? Also the question is raised: How can one find alternatives to a career in academia?


  • Dr. Matthias Schwarzkopf is responsible for appointment procedures at the University of Jena as well as coach and trainer for academics.


11:00 am Karrierekontaktmesse / Career Fair [de+en]

During the career fair (duration: 90 minutes) you will have the opportunity to engage in conversations about specific career paths with our experts at various round tables. This will allow you to build up first contacts, to extend your professional network, and to gain information on entry possibilities for your future career.

There are following round tables:

  • Consulting: Dr. Mathias Ganter (Accenture)
  • Science management/foundations: Dr. Uta Saß (VolkswagenStiftung)
  • Professorship at a University of Applied Sciences: Prof. Dr. Alexandra Reichenbach (Heilbronn University)
  • Business start-up and self-employment: Dr. Heinrich Stülpnagel (Transfer-Coach, University of Freiburg)
  • Financing your postdoc: Coordinators of the Science Support Centre und EU-Office, University of Freiburg
  • Public relations/business development agency: Dr. Gunnar Grah (Baden Württemberg International, Stuttgart)


1:30 pm 1) Funding for Postdocs OR 2) Career Paths Outside of Academia [de]
Within these parallel sessions, on the one hand, we will inform about funding possibilities by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) and by the Alexander von Humbold-Foundation for the postdoc phase.

On the other hand, we will present some career opportunities outside of academia. This session will first address the question of how you can found a start-up on basis of a presentation by Niko Bausch from the Gründerbüro followed by Jonas Schoendube, managing director at cytena, a successful startup in Freiburg. Furthermore, we will focus on opportunities to enter school service with a doctor title. A field report and a subsequent Q&A-session will point out why this can be attractive and which aspects of your time as a doctoral candidate are useful in the school context.


3:30 pm 1) Career Possibilities in the Humanities [de] OR 2) Career Possibilities in the Natural Sciences [en]

Dedicated to our main topic “career paths after the PhD” we offer two parallel sessions, one for Humanities (in German) and one for Natural Sciences (in English). Within these sessions you will not only find out more about the education biographies and motivations of our guests, but also hear about entry possibilities as well as pros and cons of their chosen career paths. Furthermore, you will have the opportunity to raise questions and discuss them with our guests. The sessions are moderated by the academic coordinators of the Freiburg Research Services, Dr. Tina Lampe and Julia Michael.

For the session on career possibilities in the Humanities we welcome Dr. Torang Sinaga, Rombach-Verlag, and Dr. Nicole Falkenhayner, English Department of the University of Freiburg.

For the session on career possibilities in the Natural Sciences our guests are Dr. Carola Arfeller, pharmaceutical company Roche, and Dr. Vikas Aggarwal, chemical company CHT R. Beitlich GmbH.


4:30 pm Panel Discussion “Compatibility of professional and family life” [de]
In this panel discussion our guests will critically debate the compatibility of professional and family life in the context of academia. Is research and family life really compatible? Are research-related careers possibly better suited to balance job and family life? What support does the University offer to their employees?
The discussion will be open to questions and comments from the audience and is moderated by Dr. Matthias Schwarzkopf, former project coordinator of “Familie in der Hochschule” at the University of Jena.


Panel members are:

  • Ellen Biesenbach (Head of Familiy Services),
  • Prof. Dr. Alexandra-Maria Klein (Professor in Nature Conservation and Landscape Ecology),
  • Dr. Silke Knaut (Head of the International Graduate Academy) und
  • Dr. Michael Tangermann (Junior Research Group Leader in Computer Science).


By arrangement: Application documents checkup [de+en]

Your CV and your letter of motivation are the most important features of your application. We therefore recommend you to make use of the opportunity to have a free checkup of your documents by our expert Claudia von Schultzendorff. Register for your individual appointment (duration: 20 minutes) and improve the quality of your application material.



If you need childcare for the day, please get in touch with us (kursprogramm@frs.uni-freiburg.de)

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