International Graduate Academy
The International Graduate Academy (IGA) of the Freiburg Research Services (FRS) is the central service department of the University of Freiburg for all questions concerning doctoral studies.
It offers the university’s doctoral candidates:
- a transdisciplinary qualification program with 70 to 80 courses and workshops per year in the areas (1) management, communication and leadership, (2) publishing, media and IT, (3) career planning and career entry, (4) higher education and teaching qualification, (5) academic practices and (6) language courses, as well as career advising and tutoring writing. Participants have given the courses an average grade of 1.4;
- an individual advising for doctoral candidates on all questions concerning doctoral studies as well as an advising on funding options (also for prospective doctoral candidates) and
- for international doctoral candidates a proofreading service for academic texts.
Further services can be found on our team website.