
Course Program for Postdoctoral Researchers

Freiburg Research Services offers a transdisciplinary qualification program in English and German intended especially for researchers in the career phase between the doctorate and the professorship. The program addresses the needs of postdoctoral researchers pursuing an academic career as well as those interested in professions outside the university and is open to members of all faculties at the University of Freiburg except the Faculty of Medicine.

The program includes workshops, group coaching, networking, and informational events. It is designed to help postdoctoral researchers

  • acquire key qualifications
  • improve their management and leadership skills
  • promote their career development
  • identify alternative career options
  • put together more promising job applications
  • prepare for professorial appointment procedures
  • apply successfully for third-party funding.

The program is being launched in winter semester 2015/16. It includes courses designed especially for postdoctoral researchers as well as joint workshops for doctoral candidates and postdocs. The program will be expanded further in the coming semesters. Click here for the conditions for participation.
To ensure that the program meets the needs of postdoctoral researchers, we welcome all feedback and requests. We ask participants to fill out an evaluation form at the end of each of our courses, but we are also happy to receive general suggestions at any time.

Postdoc Course Program Newsletter

Join our mailing list for postdocs to receive regular information on our courses. Click here to sign up for our newsletter.




Dr. Carolin Schuchert


Tel.: +49 (0)761 203-6817
Fax: +49 (0)761 203-6813


Postal address:
Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
79085 Freiburg

Visitor address:
Erbprinzenstraße 12, 4th floor
79085 Freiburg

Please Note: From mid-October you can find us in our new offices at Friedrichstraße 41-43.

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