
EU Office


The EU Office is the central contact point for all matters concerning funding programmes for education and research offered by the European Union.

Our services include collecting and disseminating information on the various European research programmes and calls for proposals, conducting the administrative work involved in preparing applications, supporting applicants in negotiating contracts, and formally concluding contracts for projects approved by the European Union. Furthermore, we assist in supervising ongoing projects and provide support with reporting and auditing.

In addition, the EU Office is responsible for organizing all educational programmes funded by the European Union, particularly the Erasmus Programme.
Our extensive internet pages include information on opportunities for financial aid, application deadlines, scholarships, etc. In case you need further or more specific information, please do not hesitate to contact us!

In 2005, the European Commission published the „European Charter for Researchers“ and the „Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers“. The goal of these recommendations is to provide an improved general framework for the work of researchers in Europe, particularly for that of young researchers. The publications contain guidelines concerning the employment status of researchers in order to ensure that they receive adequate social security coverage.

The University of Freiburg agreed to these guidelines of the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct in a resolution of the Executive Board on March 14th, 2007, and is thus voluntarily bound to adhere to them within its area of authority.

For further information, visit the website "EURAXESS - Reseachers in Motion”.

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