
Deutsch als Fremdsprache IV

Target Group

This course is for students with an initial proficiency level of A2.1. Participants should be able to understand common everyday expressions and simple sentences when spoken slowly. The course will begin with lesson 14 of the textbook DaF kompakt neu A2, Kurs- und Übungsbuch.



This is a general language course, i.e., you will practice skills in oral and reading comprehension, speaking, and writing. The main focus will be on integrating vocabulary and grammar into free conversation. This means that you will generally be expected to complete the exercises in the textbook and practice the vocabulary on your own as homework. This will give us more time in class to clarify questions of grammar and vocabulary and integrate them both into speech.


The final exam will take place on the penultimate course day.


All participants are required to purchase the textbook DaF kompakt neu A2, Kurs- und Übungsbuch, Klett Verlag (ISBN: 978-3126763141). If you wish to purchase a grammar book, please ask the instructor for a recommendation.



You are allowed to miss a maximum of 20 % of the entire duration of the course. Please notify the FRS-IGA and the teacher of your absences in written form (see conditions for participation).


Workload: minimum of 42 h (+ additional time for vocabulary)


Referent / Trainer

Josef Zeintl


42 h

Termine / Dates

Mo, 24.04.2017, 18:15h - 19:45h, wöchentlich / weekly

Anmeldung / Registration

Die Anmeldung erfolgt über das Campus Management Portal

HISinOne. / Please register via the campus management portal HISinOne.

Ort / Location

KG I, HS 1036

Max. Teilnehmer/innenzahl / Number of Participants

15 Promovierende / Docs

Einstiegsniveau / Initial Level



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