
Postdoc-Coaching: Coaches and Registration

Dr. des. Marieke Abram

PD Dr. Karin Orth

Claudia von Schultzendorff

Dr. Markus Strauch

PD Dr. Angelina Topan

Dr. Thomas C. Uhlendahl

Dr. Peter Weber



Dr. des. Marieke Abram


Coaching Foci

  • career strategies: academic career paths, careers in the private sector and at non-university educational institutions, preparation of an international career
  • body, soul, and spirit: finding the right balance between self-realization, personal health, family, friends, research, teaching, research management etc.
  • conflicts at the workplace and in the social environment
  • time management
  • writing and presentation skills
  • project design (research projects, business plans)



  • systemic coaching (person-centred dialogical approach)
  • change management
  • mediation
  • philosophical life coaching



  • completed training: systemic coach and change manager (INeKO - Institute at the University of Cologne)
  • completed training: mediator (VWA Freiburg)
  • further training in research change management (German Academic Exchange Service)
  • studied and conducted research on history and philosophy (expertise in medieval studies) at Radboud Universität Nijmegen (NL) and at University of Freiburg


Professional Experience

  • since 2014: coach, change manager, mediator, practicing philosopher in Freiburg
  • since 2015: cooperation with a general medical practitioner in Emmendingen, together we offer support and consultation
  • several research stays and presentations as well as an overall experience in research management (organization of conferences and lecture series), in international research projects and at teaching



German, Italien, English, Dutch


PD Dr. Karin Orth


Coaching Foci

  • individual coaching sessions with researchers
  • research supervision in the humanities, cultural and social studies
  • crises in the research process and how to overcome them
  • biographical and professional stock-taking
  • balance of skills



  • Central to my work as coach is the individual with their concerns. The method is therefore adjusted to the coachees and their topic, as well as to their individual situation.
  • trained according to the principles of “Pedaktik” in the tradition of humanist psychology and a person-centred dialogical approach
  • dialogue (with the elements of listening, questions, understanding, visualising) is central to my work
  • frequent use of instruments form systemic coaching, psycho drama (e.g. role play, work with constellations), biographical work (e.g. life profiles, genograms)
  • questions concerning career planning and decision-making processes: use of balance of skills according to Lang-von Wins/Triebel



  • certified postgraduate studies “coaching and consultation” at the Akademie für wissenschaftliche Weiterbildung der Freiburger Hochschulen according to the principles of Pedaktik® (didactics of personality development for managers)
  • certified balance of-skills coach at PerformPartner Munich
  • certified Guided Autobiography Instructor at the University of Southern California; certified as crisis companion at the professional association for prevention and rehabilitation at the Erzdiözese Freiburg
  • further training in person-centred dialogic communication and psycho drama
  • teaching appointments for coaching, biography work at the University of Stuttgart, the Freiburger Akademie für wissenschaftliche Weiterbildung, the PH Freiburg
  • founder of the institute for biography work and biographical studies, _ifbas (http://www.ifbas.de/index.html)
  • member of the CoachingnetzWissenschaft e.V (www.coachingnetz-wissenschaft.de)
  • lecturer (with a habilitation) for modern and contemporary history at the university of Freiburg, more than 25 years of professional experience in research and teaching (research interests: history of science, research funding and research policy, national socialism and the history of violence during the 20th century, biographical research, "war children", social history of the 19th century, oral history)


Professional Experience

  • since 1991: historian in research and research management
  • since 1997: consultation and supervision of students and young academics in history
  • 2003 – 2009: voluntary engagement as companion to people in crises
  • since 2009: coach for researchers, work with academics (among them PhD students, postdoctoral researchers, assistant professors, full professors in Freiburg, at the graduate school GRADE at the university of Frankfurt, and for Scimento)



German, English


Claudia von Schultzendorff


Coaching Foci

  • orientation and goal identification (where and how should I proceed)
  • decision-making processes (e.g. academic vs. non-academic careers, deciding between various job offers)
  • conflict situations (professional and private)
  • individual topics/problems



  • appreciative dialogue
  • identification of goals
  • all methods of systemic coaching
  • personal profile
  • counselling
  • techniques of the Profil PASS



  • business administration and psychology
  • systemic coach
  • certified team-developer/team-coach
  • instructor
  • certified instructor for the DISG and Insights-personality models


Professional Experience

  • occupations in the industry: HR officer, HR developer, HR manager
  • for 20 years: independent course instructor, consultant, coach
  • experiences in the industry (in various fields), public offices and at university
  • for more than 10 years: course instructor at the university of Freiburg for IGA, FRS, and in faculties as coach and instructor 



German, English, Spanish


Dr. Markus Strauch


Coaching Foci

  • career coaching
  • personal development



  • positive psychology with a focus on strengths
  • focus on resources and solutions
  • coaching walks



  • certified psychologist
  • gestalt therapy
  • experiential education
  • outdoor coaching


Professional Experience

  • since 2007: independent coach, course instructor, teaching appointments for personal development, leadership and (social) entrepreneurship
  • at the same time: teaching appontments and various occupations at several universities



German, English



PD Dr. Angelina Topan



  • working on individual concerns, e.g. leadership, conflicts with staff members, support with change processes, time management, work-life balance, self-management, career planning, strategic considerations, reflection on values and meanings, team development



  • systemic-solution oriented coaching
  • oriented towards resources: available abilities and strengths will be emphasized
  • acknowledging success and built upon
  • the focus will be on finding goals and solutions, less on describing the problem
  • goals will be phrased positively
  • creative approach to goals and visions for the future
  • the social environment of the coachee will be taken into account when seeking out goals and solutions



  • psychological diagnostics in coaching (Führungsakademie Baden-Württemberg)
  • certified as systemic-goal-oriented coach (DBVC-zertifiziert) at the Führungsakademie Baden-Württemberg, Karlsruhe
  • habilitation in political studies
  • training and certification: „key qualifications in teaching“ at the Hamburg University for economics and politics; areas: presentation, Moderation, conversation techniques, conflict management, team development, project management (160h of courses including supervision; conducted by Prof. Claus Nowak)
  • certified postgraduate studies: „teaching qualification for research and further training at the Interdisziplinären Zentrum für Hochschuldidaktik, Universität Hamburg; (Prof. F. Schulz von Thun)
  • PhD in political studies
  • Professional Experience
  • coachings for various status groups: professors, group leaders, postdocs, PhD students, administrative staff (academic coordinators, managers) and university leadership (deacons, chancellors)



German, English


Dr. Thomas C. Uhlendahl


Coaching Foci

  • managers and teams from private and public sectors, research and young academics



  • systemic, resource-based, oriented towards solutions
  • conflict coaching



  • 2006: certified mediator (according to BM-guidelines)
  • 2012: certified systemic business coach ( Führungsakademie Baden-Württemberg, similar to DBVC)


Professional Experience

  • conflict-, team-, leadership-coaching in various sectors and with several status groups



German, English


Dr. Peter Weber


Coaching Foci

  • career coaching and decision making
  • time management, work-life balance
  • intercultural coaching
  • conversation techniques



  • systemic and hypno-systemic coaching
  • solution-based coaching
  • the inner team
  • square of values


  • coaching training at the Führungsakademie Baden-Württemberg

Professional Experience 

  • coaching for international PhD students at the International Office at the University of Freiburg
  • coaching an der Internationalen Graduiertenakademie at the University of Freiburg
  • coaching within the framework of collegial coaching groups



German, English, Swahili



We kindly ask you to fill in the registration form to take part in the coaching.

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