
Qualification Postdocs

Our qualification program at the Freiburg Research Services prepares you for your future career both within and outside of academia.

The program is targeted at postdocs, who are on their way to a professorship as well as postdocs who have non-academic career goals. Even when you are not sure yet whether you want to leave the academia, we offer the support and space for you to recognize and promote your potential and we accompany you in your career decisions.

Our program is designed to support you in the preparation for future positions in research, industry and in social institutions. Next to our individual consultation for third-party funding, we want to enable you to meet the following objectives:
•    career orientation and decision making   processes
•    development of management and leadership skills
•    qualification for leadership positions
•    increasing your chances in job applications

We offer workshops, coaching and career consultation specifically for postdocs, who are currently working on a research project to gain the next level towards a professorship. We support you in your preparation for future responsibilities in research, industry and in social institutions. Our program is structured around the following competence areas:
•    Management, Communication and Leadership
•    Career Planning and Career Entry
•    Publishing, Media and IT
•    Academic Practice

You agree to the conditions for participation when signing in for a course.

To ensure that the program meets the needs of postdoctoral researchers, we welcome all feedback and requests. We ask participants to fill out an evaluation form at the end of each of our workshops, but we are also happy to receive general suggestions at any time via email



Financial Support for Childcare

Together with the University of Freiburg’s Family Service we offer financial support for childcare to all postdoctoral researchers, who want to take part in our program in 2017.

If you require support for childcare, please write a short email to postdocs@frs.uni-freiburg.de indicating the workshop you want to visit and an estimation of the costs.

We need information on the amount of hours, costs per hour and the overall amount as well as the childcare facility. Please note that we can only accept invoices from professional childcare providers, but not from private persons.

For more information on childcare facilities, please feel free to contact Juliane Lassen at the Family Service: juliane.lassen@familienservice.uni-freiburg.de.

We particularly invite members of DFG-funded research associations at the university to use this opportunity.

For further information, feel free to write an email to postdocs@frs.uni-freiburg.de or call Julia Michael +49 761 203-6815.


Postdoc Newsletter

In order to receive all information about our program as well as relevant information from other institutions within and outside the university, sign in for the postdoc newsletter. You can either fill in our form or sign in at MyAccount.


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