
Advising and Service

Freiburg Research Services offers a wide range of services and advising for prospective and current doctoral candidates of the University of Freiburg.

Doctoral Candidate Advising

The International Graduate Academy at Freiburg Research Services offers the following services:

In addition, the EU Office provides advising on possibilities for conducting research abroad while working on a doctoral degree.

The International Graduate Academy and the Science Support Centre advise the faculties on preparing proposals for and establishing structured doctoral programs.

Central Ombuds Process for Doctoral Candidates and Supervisors

The University of Freiburg offers a central ombuds process for all doctoral candidates and dissertation supervisors. Its purpose is to resolve conflicts resulting from the relationship between doctoral candidates and their supervisors or work on the dissertation. As a rule, persons seeking advice begin by contacting the ombuds assistants at the International Graduate Academy at Freiburg Research Services. In addition, it is also possible to contact the ombudspersons directly.

Transfer Coach

Doctoral candidates conducting research with potential for transfer to society and industry should keep an eye out for possibilities for founding a new business. The contact persons for this area are the Freiburg Research Services Transfer Coach and the advisors at the Entrepreneurial Office.

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