
Conditions for Participation

Conditions for Participation


The transdisciplinary qualification program is designed for all doctoral candidates of the University of Freiburg except the Faculty of Medicine. You may participate in the courses if you are registered or matriculated as a doctoral candidate at the University of Freiburg.


You can register for courses with the user identification and password of your doctoral candidate account. You must use your own account to register for courses.


Registration is binding. If you are not able to participate in a course for which you have registered, we ask you to cancel your registration at least 7 days before the course is scheduled to begin in order to enable waiting list candidates to take your place.


Please note: You have to cancel your registration by yourself and only via HISinOne.


Cancellations made directly with the teacher of a course will not be considered valid. For cancellations at short notice (less than 7 days before the course begins) you have to send an e-mail to kursprogramm@frs.uni-freiburg.de, providing appropriate evidence (e.g. doctor’s certificate, written confirmation by your adviser about official obligations). 


If you fail to attend a workshop without cancelling your registration timely, miss more than 20% of a course, or stop attending a course after it begins, we reserve the right to exclude you from the FRS-IGA course program for the following two semesters, unless you do provide a doctor’s certificate or other valid evidence. We cannot issue you a certificate for attending the course either in this case.


All FRS-IGA courses begin promptly at the time indicated in the course catalog (i.e., sine tempore); punctuality is expected. Teachers are authorized to exclude participants from their courses who do not cooperate sufficiently. Participants may also be excluded for passing on confidential information from the courses to the public or for other inappropriate behavior.


In order to ensure that the level of all doctoral candidates participating in a language course is compatible, a placement test may be held during the first class meeting. Passing this test is a requirement for continued participation in the course. Additionally, teachers may exclude participants whose language skills are not sufficient for taking the course or refer them to another course.


You can download the Conditions for Participation here.


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