
Doctoral Studies at the University of Freiburg

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It is possible to pursue a doctoral degree at all eleven faculties of the University of Freiburg. In addition to the „classical“ form of individual doctoral studies, the university offers a large selection of structured doctoral programs in various areas.

Here you can find details about the doctoral degree regulations, faculty contacts, and further information.

Doctoral Supervision Agreement
Once you have received a confirmation of supervision for your dissertation project, you and your supervisor have to conclude a doctoral supervision agreement, which you receive at your faculty. For a model doctoral supervision agreement including the minimum contents as well as further information on the agreement please see the following documents:

Model doctoral supervision agreement
Appendix 1 doctoral supervision agreement
Appendix 2 doctoral supervision agreement
Information sheet doctoral supervision agreement

Admission to Doctoral Studies
Before beginning work on a dissertation you should apply for acceptance as a doctoral candidate at your faculty as soon as possible in order to secure your (legal) status as a doctoral candidate.

Once you have received a confirmation of acceptance as a doctoral candidate from your faculty, you must either matriculate or register.

As per § 9 section 4 no. 8 of the 
Admissions and Matriculation Regulations [de], doctoral candidates who have received a confirmation of acceptance as a doctoral candidate from their faculty can matriculate at the University of Freiburg by filling out and submitting an application for matriculation.

You will find all the relevant information about the registration here.

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