
Research Innovation Fund

Twice a year, the University of Freiburg promotes new and innovative research projects with start-up funding. Eligible for funding are projects by young researchers until a maximum of eight years postdoctoral research experience to establish independent research projects. Established researchers of the University of Freiburg can apply if they satisfactorily show the outstanding innovation potential of their project and the particular necessity of a financial support. The funding is limited to € 25,000.


Call 2017 (Deadline: September 15, 2017)

pdf-symbol  Rector's letter (in German)

pdf-symbol  Call for Applications

word symbol  Guide for Applications Research Innovation Fund

pdf-symbol  Personnel Costs



Dr. Björn Goldammer
Freiburg Research Services
Science Support Centre
Tel.: +49 761 203-4858
E-Mail: bjoern.goldammer@frs.uni-freiburg.de


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