
RiSC-initial funding for "high risk projects"

The Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts, Baden-Wuerttemberg (MWK) promotes unconventional but promising research projects of young researchers. The purpose of this funding line is to support “high risk” projects that may be situated outside the mainstream. The RiSC-funding is aimed to lay the groundwork for larger and innovative third-party funded projects (e.g. Emmy Noether, Heisenberg, Freigeist-Fellowship by Volkswagen-Stiftung, ERC)

The application and review process is linked to the university’s start-up funding for innovative research projects “Research Innovation Fund”. The call for proposals is published twice a year. There are up to four slots for RiSC proposals from Freiburg University at the MWK per year.

The funding is limited from to a maximum of € 100.000. One half is provided by the MWK, the other half by the University (up to € 25.000 by the rectorate; faculties are free to increase the University's share).

Prospective applicants shall contact the Science Support Centre as soon as possible.


Call 2017 (Deadline: September 15, 2017)

pdf-symbolRector's letter (in German)

pdf-symbolCall for Applications

word symbolGuide for Applications RiSC


Related link:

Research Innovation Fund



Dr. Björn Goldammer
Freiburg Research Services
Science Support Centre
Tel.: +49 761 203-4858
E-Mail: bjoern.goldammer@frs.uni-freiburg.de



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