
Further Service Departments

International Research Proposals

Contact the International Office (IO) of the University of Freiburg if you wish to apply for research funding from the German Academic Exchange Service.

The Welcome Center is part of the university's International Office and serves as the central information and service point for visiting international scholars who hold a doctoral degree, for newly appointed professors from abroad and for host institutions concerning all non-academic matters surrounding the stay in Freiburg.

Research at the Faculty of Medicine

The Research Management Office of the Faculty of Medicine (FoMa) [de] provides support for researchers applying for third-party funding for research projects in medicine.

Research Funded by the Excellence Initiative

The Office for Strategy and Excellence (S+E) coordinates all current institutions and measures of the Excellence Initiative at the University of Freiburg. Its tasks thus include supervising the Spemann Graduate School as well as the Clusters of Excellence BIOSS and BrainLinks–BrainTools.

Research-Oriented Equal Opportunity in Joint Research Projects

The topic of equal opportunity plays an important role in research proposals, particularly in proposals for DFG-funded joint research projects (collaborative research centers, research training groups, research groups, priority programs). The Office of Gender and Diversity [de] of the University of Freiburg helps you to develop and implement an equal opportunity concept for your proposal.

Privacy in Research Projects

For more information we refer to the "Zentrale Datenschutzstelle der baden-württembergischen Universitäten" (ZENDAS), and in particular to this website.

Research Transfer

The Center for Technology Transfer (ZFT) is an interface between the University of Freiburg and the private sector that provides support and advising on all matters concerning technology transfer and the utilization of research findings. In the case of research partnerships, the ZFT is also responsible for contracts with industrial partners.

Research Prizes

If you are looking for information on research prizes and honors, contact the Office for Honors and Awards [de] of the University of Freiburg. The office also provides advising on calls for proposals and nomination procedures.
The Faculty of Medicine offers further prizes and scholarships for medical research [de].

Instructional Development and Instructional Quality

The Department of Instructional Development [de] handles basic questions on the further development of studies and teaching at the University of Freiburg. The Office for Teaching and Learning [de] provides you support in developing methodological concepts for the promotion of junior researchers in joint research projects and offers comprehensive continuing education measures and advising in the area of higher education teaching methodology.

Student Funding

The Association of the Friends [de] of the University supports research projects of students of the University of Freiburg until graduation (Master, Diplom, Magister).

Internal Further Training and Qualification Program

‚Internal further training and qualification’ supports you in facing your current and future professional challenges successfully.
We offer around 140 courses per year in the following topics:
Internal know how/Administration, communication and management, Languages, Media/IT and workplace  health care promotion. The program is free of charge for employees of the university.
You can find all suitable courses for “scientific employees”  here:


Staff Council at the University of Freiburg offers Advisory Service

The staff council at the University of Freiburg (www.personalrat.uni-freiburg.de) counsels doctoral candidates and postdoctoral researchers, who are employees at the university. This includes questions related to the employment contract, the collective bargaining and labour laws, pay scale grouping, as well as questions about parental leave and child care. You are welcome to make an appointment via e-mail (info@personalrat.uni-freiburg.de) or phone (203-6900).

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