
Advising and Service

Freiburg Research Services supports all postdoctoral researchers on all issues concerning research funding. Our services are open to members of all faculties at the University of Freiburg except the Faculty of Medicine.

We offer personal advising in German and English on topics including the following:

Applying for Funding

  • information on national, European, and international research funding programs
  • personal advising to help you find the right funding format
  • information on the necessary application guidelines
  • contact with the funding organizations
  • feedback on the structure of your application and how well it meets the selection criteria


Project Planning

  • support on project evaluation and financial planning
  • help coordinating positions requested in your proposal with your work program
  • information on the funding organization’s expectations with regard to the necessary infrastructure at the university (space, equipment)


Joint Projects

  • help planning and applying for collaborative research centers/transregios, research training groups, doctoral research groups, and research groups
  • organization of internal procedures in the Rectorate and the Central University Administration
  • help finding and maintaining contact with partners from industry and society

For information and advice on related topics, see other University of Freiburg service departments.

Funding Opportunities and Applications

The departments of Freiburg Research Services advise and support you in applying for third-party research funding:

  • national and international funding programs at the Science Support Centre
  • EU funding programs, including teaching staff mobility and university partnership programs, at the EU Office
  • programs for research transfer and spinoffs by the Transfer Coach
  • To search for funding opportunities on your own, use the Freiburg Funding Portal
  • We would also be happy to arrange a personal advising appointment for you


Information Leaflets and Instructions

We offer you current information leaflets and instructions in the download area of the SSC, the EU Office, and the Transfer Coach. In this way, you benefit directly from our experience on application strategies and receive information on internal university procedures (e.g., collaborative research centers, research training groups).

FRS Courses

Talks and courses on special topics will be announced on the FRS website. See also our course programs for postdocs and docs.

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