
Proofreading Service

This service is coordinated together with the International Office of the University of Freiburg and funded by the STIBET program of the German Academic Exchange Service.


Staff membersdaad-stibet
Carla Vlad, M.A. & Christina Nurawar Sani, M.A.
Freiburg Research Services
International Graduate Academy
Friedrichstraße 41-43
79098 Freiburg

Dr. David Willmes
Friedrichstraße 41-43
Tel.: +49 (0)761 203-6814

Target Group

All non-native German speaking doctoral candidates who are accepted at a faculty of the University of Freiburg and who write academic texts in German.


We want to help you improve your non-native writing skills in German. It is thus important to take advantage of our service early on and repeatedly in order to optimize your individual learning effect. Therefore we do not offer a final proofreading of your entire dissertation.

The proofreading service is comprised of two components: first, the actual proofreading of your text, and second, an individual proofreading protocol.


First, send us an email to korrekturservice@frs.uni-freiburg.de along with the text you would like us to proofread. We will then contact you to clarify general questions. As a rule, you will receive the proofread text in circa 5 weeks. We will treat your text strictly confidential.

a) Grammatical and Stylistic Proofreading of Your Text

We proofread excerpts of academic texts written in German of up to 10 pages (1,5 line-spacing, MS Word format) in length at a time. The excerpts may be drafts or finished chapters from your dissertation, manuscripts of presentations, articles, etc.

We proofread for:

  • spelling
  • grammar
  • punctuation
  • consistency

What our proofreading does not include:

  • editing of content – our proofreading is limited to grammatical and stylistic aspects of your text
  • discipline-specific features
  • correction of source translations and quotes

b) Individual Proofreading Protocol

You thus receive an individual proofreading protocol from us containing the following information about your text:

  • a systematic list of the errors you make most frequently and comments on them
  • advice and remarks on your style
  • recommendations to help you edit subsequent academic texts on your own


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