
University Completion Scholarships for the Completion of Dissertation Projects in DFG Research Training Groups

Eligibility for Funding

Eligible for funding are doctoral candidates of all faculties except the Faculty of Medicine who are working on their dissertation project in a DFG Research Training Group (RTG) at the University of Freiburg and have not finished their dissertation project within the maximum funding period of 3 years. A prerequisite for the scholarship is previous funding of the dissertation project by the DFG RTG.


Type of Funding

Scholarship (without employment)
Tax free, not subject to social insurance contributions


Amount of Funding

Scholarship in the amount of 1300 euros per month (including an allowance for materials and travel expenses). Scholarship recipients with one child receive an additional amount of 160 euros per month, those with two or more children 210 euros per month.


Period of Funding

Up to one year


Application Process

Please submit hardcopies of your complete application documents (see list below) to the International Graduate Academy (IGA) at Freiburg Research Services anytime. The central grants commission holds meetings three times a year to decide on all applications received (as a rule, meetings are held in March/April, July/August, and November/December). The next meeting of the grants commission is on 9 November 2017. The application deadline for this meeting is 20 October 2017. Any applications received after this deadline will be considered at the next meeting. After the commission makes its decision, the IGA will inform you as soon as possible whether and for what time period your application has been considered. In case of a positive decision, the amount of funding is generally transferred to your bank account at the beginning of each month.


Employment in addition to the dissertation project

Recipients of a completion scholarship may hold a work contract not related to the dissertation project (with regard to content, time, or place) of up to 40 hours per month. A monthly net income of up to 750 euros is not deducted from the amount of funding [see § 2 (1) and (2) of the German Income Tax Act (EStG)]
Scholarships are generally not subject to social insurance contributions and are tax free as per § 3 (44) of the German Income Tax Act (EStG). However, this does not apply to recipients employed within the direct context of their dissertation project, i.e., for employment that is not separable from the dissertation project. In this case, the scholarship is subject to social insurance contributions and income tax. Therefore, recipients holding a University of Freiburg work contract should separate their dissertation project from their employment with regard to content, time, and place. Otherwise, the authorities might demand that the employer (e.g., the specific institute) make a retrospective tax payment.
We strongly recommend ensuring that your work on the dissertation project is clearly distinct from your activities with regard to any employment at the University of Freiburg.


Application Documents

  1. Signed application form
  2. Specific reasons why you are applying for the completion scholarship: Specific reasons may include academic reasons (e.g., unforeseeable problems in your dissertation project) as well as personal circumstances.
  3. Description of your dissertation project, including work you have accomplished so far as well as a detailed time schedule, milestones, and a financial plan for the time period applied for.
  4. Letter of recommendation from your supervisor regarding your application for a completion scholarship (not in copy). The letter should particularly respond to the following points: 1) specific reasons for the funding to complete the dissertation project, 2) achievements and results accomplished in the dissertation project, 3) likelihood that the dissertation will lead to an important academic publication, 4) feasibility of work and time schedule
  5. Letter of support from the spokesperson of your DFG Research Training Group including a confirmation of your previous funding by the DFG RTG (not in copy)
  6. Informal statement on the unavailability of alternative funding by your institute/faculty or others (must be signed by your supervisor and the dean of your faculty)
  7. Curriculum vitae including details on your final grades
  8. Copy of your confirmation of acceptance as a doctoral candidate from your faculty – please note that neither certificates of your (foreign) degree nor confirmations of supervision by your supervisor are a confirmation of acceptance!
  9. For child allowance: A copy of the birth certificate of your child(ren) and the family registration certificate not in copy


Please note that we can only accept your application and pass it on to the central grants commission if it contains all the documents listed above. Please contact us in cases of any uncertainty before submitting your application.


If you have further questions, general requests, or suggestions, please contact

Linda Schmidt
Phone Number: +49 761 203-6813


Application Address

University of Freiburg
Freiburg Research Services
International Graduate Academy
Linda Schmidt
D-79085 Freiburg

minkus teske

Linda Schmidt
Friedrichstraße 41-43
Tel.: +49 (0)761 203-6813
Fax: +49 (0)761 203-9665

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