
Scientific presentation

Target group

The workshop targets doctoral candidates who would like to optimize their presentation skills.



The ability to present scientific research is a skill that some have, but others need to hone. This course will provide participants with practical knowledge to better structure and deliver their scientific research. Furthermore, this course will work on presentation skills that will prepare students to present not only research content, but themselves. As most students will look to further their academic careers, it is important to optimally present yourself for future interviews. Participants will be required to present a 5 minute presentation of either their current work or a proposal for future work. This presentation will be recorded and given to the participants with feedback.



This course will teach fundamental presentation skills. You will learn how to use your voice and body effectively, practice how to present naturally and with a structure that your audience will find entertaining and engaging.



Trainer input; individual, partner, and group work; written and creative focusing exercises; brief presentations by participants.


Course instructor

Dr. Andrew Wold, http://andrewwold.com/


14 h


Mon, 05.02.2018, 9:00 - 17:00 h

Tue, 06.02.2018, 9:00 - 17:00 h


Please register via the campus management portal HISinOne.


Seminar Room of the Freiburg Research Services (FRS),

Friedrichstr. 41-43, 2nd floor 

Number of Participants

15 doctoral candidates



Minkus Teske

Minkus Teske

Wissenschaftlicher Referent
Friedrichstraße 41-43
Tel.: +49 (0)761 203-6813

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