
Deutsch als Fremdsprache II

Target Group
This course is for doctoral candidates with an initial proficiency level of A1/1. Participants should be able to understand common everyday expressions and simple sentences when spoken clearly and slowly. The course is taught exclusively in German from the first meeting on. The grammar and vocabulary of lessons 1-3B are required. The course will begin with lesson 3C. Please prepare pages 30 and 31 in the textbook and pages 96 and 97 in the exercise book. The grammar and vocabulary therefore you´ll find on the pages 32, 33 of the textbook.
This is general language course, i.e., you will practice basic skills in oral and reading comprehension, speaking and writing. The main focus will be on speaking. This means that you will generally be expected to complete the exercises in the textbook and practice the vocabulary on your own as homework. This will give us more time in class to clarify questions of grammar and integrate them both into speech.
The lessons in the textbook will be complemented by one Saturday so that we will have the time to speak a lot (instead of two lessons during the week). If the weather is good we will visit the ‘Münsterturm’ (tower of the Münster) and afterwards go to one of Freiburg´s most typical 'beer gardens' on Augustinerplatz. If the weather is bad, we will visit a museum. These activities will take place on Saturday, 24.06.2016, (11- 13 h). The activities are a part of the course, and attendance is therefore mandatory.

Please let the instructor know in advance if you are unable to cover the minor expenses necessary for these activities, such as the cost for a cup of coffee.

All participants are required to purchase the text and exercise book 'DaF kompakt A1 neu', Klett Verlag. If you wish to purchase a grammar book, please ask the instructor for a recommendation.

You are allowed to miss a maximum of 20% per semester.

Please notify the FRS-IGA of your absences (see conditions for participation). In addition, the instructor expects you to write her a written excuse in German for each absence. These excuses have nothing to do with the notifications of absence you submit to the IGA.

Workload: 42 hours (+ vocabulary practice, which may vary from person to person)

Referent / Trainer

Miriam Thamm


42 h

Termine / Dates

Di, 25.04.2017, 16:00h - 17:30h, wöchentlich / weekly

Anmeldung / Registration

Die Anmeldung erfolgt über das Campus Management Portal

HISinOne. / Please register via the campus management portal HISinOne.

Ort / Location

Breisacher Tor, Nr. R204

Max. Teilnehmer/innenzahl / Number of Participants

15 Promovierende / Docs

Einstiegsniveau / Initial Level


Benutzerspezifische Werkzeuge