
Project Management for Doctoral Researchers

Target Group

The workshop is designed for doctoral candidates from all faculties.



Many scientific projects and specifically PhD projects suffer from an insufficient planning, unclear goal definitions, unclear role allocation and a bad time management. This leads to project delays, inefficient use of resources and often to frustration on the side of the scientists working on the bench.

This workshop is designed to improve this situation by supporting starting doctoral candidates in the acquisition of the necessary skills for an effective management of their research project and their personal and private time. It is based on the classical project management and time management tools which are adapted to the need of exploratory scientific projects.



  • You will be able to define aims and objectives in your project and your private life.
  • You will be able to structure your work effectively by using work breakdown structure, task and milestone definition.
  • You will be able to manage your time effectively by using …..
  • You will be aware of the different roles and their functions in your PhD project.
  • You will successfully deal with stress and frustration.
  • You will know how to motivate yourself.



Interactive workshop with lecture parts and group work, including extensive hands-on exercises and discussions.


Course Instructor

Dr. Patricia Ruiz Noppinger, www.prosciencia.de/team.html


14 hrs

Termine / Dates

July 10 and 11, 2017

9am – 5pm

Anmeldung / Registration

Please register via the campus management portal HISinOne.

Ort / Location

Seminarraum der FRS, Friedrichstr. 41-43, 2. OG

Benutzerspezifische Werkzeuge