
Tutoring writing for PhD candidates

Non-directive writing support is an approach originated in the US system of higher education which has been proven useful for learning and text production by the most recent cognitive writing research. In a tutoring session of maximum 45 minutes, writer and tutor together reflect on the status of the writing process and the quality of the text produced so far. They will also discuss ways of optimizing the individual writing process. Finally, the next steps in the work process will be agreed upon.


Dr. Gerd Bräuer is writing tutor at the Freiburg Writing Center (University of Education Freiburg) and long-time associate professor at Emory University in Atlanta (USA). Please refer to https://literacy-management.com for more information about the writing coach.


Please register only for one appointment!


Please send an e-mail after registration to braeuer@ph-freiburg.de and briefly describe your main writing problem. Please attach a writing sample of maximum 3 pages that identifies clearly the problems you want to work on in the session.


Referent / Trainer

Dr. Gerd Bräuer, Schreibberatung PH Freiburg

Termine / Dates

Mi, 09.05.2017, 09:00 - 14:00 Uhr

Mi, 24.07.2017, 09:00 - 14:00 Uhr

(45 Minuten pro Einzeltermin / 45 minutes per appointment)

Anmeldung / Registration

Die Anmeldung erfolgt über das Campus Management Portal

HISinOne. / Please register via the campus management portal HISinOne.

Ort / Location

Seminarraum der FRS, Friedrichstr. 41-43, 2. OG


Benutzerspezifische Werkzeuge