
Successful Leadership and Supervision

Target group

Postdoctoral researchers of all disciplines (except medicine), who want to reflect on their double role as supervisors and leaders of master and PhD students.



The daily routine as a scientist takes place between the poles of research, supervision and leading employees and because of this variety of expectations it faces special challenges. As a manager and supervisor, you set an example for your employees and students, who expect you to lead and supervise them. This is why successful management and supevision begins with you and how you understand your leadership und supervision role. This workshop focusses on the clarification in which role you communicate and on the development of your role as a manager and supervisor. Role reflection helps to establish clarity about both your own expectations as a manager and supervisor as well of those of your employees and students, which similarities are between both roles, and which aspects come naturally to you and which aspects are rather difficult.

Factors for successful leadership and supervision include the ability to clearly communicate and apply the principles of cooperation. An additional emphasis of the workshop is therefore on communication and tools for directing professional discussions which will be clarified by different occasions for discussions.



The participants

  • achieve role clarity and strengthen their self-management
  • gain a practical and hands-on concept of leadership and supervision and are able to differentiate between leadership and supervision
  • are able to create synergies between both roles
  • are able to work with communicative techniques
  • are able to communicate clearly in both roles



A diverse variety of methods such as lectures, role playing, exercises, individual and group work will help you to gain more competence, clarity and control in your leadership role and to face challenges professionally.


Course Instructor

PD Dr. Angelina Topan, Institut für Personalentwicklung und Coaching


14 h


Wed July 19. 9:00-5:00 h

Thu July 20. 9:00-5:00 h


Please fill in the registration form and send it to kursprogramm@frs.uni-freiburg.de


Seminar Room of the FRS, Friedrichstr. 41-43, 2nd floor

Number of Participants


Benutzerspezifische Werkzeuge